Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to get rid of cellulite!

1.Drink plenty of water. This may sound too simple...but its so important!! Wake up and drink one or two glasses of pure water with lemon. This means drinking about 16 ounces of water at room temperature or, if you prefer, you can drink warm water. In total, try drinking eight glasses of bottled water each day, and include herbal teas like dandelion, red clover, burdock, or ginger.

2.Add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Lemon juice helps you eliminate more toxins on a daily

3.Boost your fiber intake.

4.Drink juices every day. Try the green ones like kale, cucumber, and add apple, and ginger! It can be a very healthy way to keep your body free of cellulite and just plain healthy.

5.Eat lots of vegetables. Try adding a daily serving of fresh salads composed of healthy vegetables with healthy dressing.

6.Choose healthy oils. Stay away from processed heated oils like like soy, corn, and canola. Reach instead for olive and nut oils for cooking and to sprinkle on foods. (this does not mean its okay to fry your foods in olive oil)

7.Perform a liver cleanse. The liver is a primary organ responsible for cleansing wastes from the body. It is considered a fat destroyer in the body. The liver makes sure that your body fluids are helping your body achieve optimal performance. Don’t clog the liver or your pipes with fat. Keep them working smoothly and cleanly by doing a regular liver cleanse. Find a Liver Cleanse in your local Vitamin Shoppe!

8.Keep your system regular. Make sure you have one to two bowel movements every day. Those of you on the Body By Vi Challenge can attest to this...after your first shake you felt your bowels move ans thought something was wrong!  Keep healthy and keep the pipes clean!

9.Get on a daily exercise routine. Of course I recommend zumba to get you moving!!!

10. Exfoliate your skin!! Exfoliating away dry skin helps to prevent cellulite formation  and stimulating skin renewal.

 The moral of this story....changing your healthy and keep your body active and start eliminating cellulite today

Quick video of a leg circuit that you can try as a personal challenge. Do this exercise in the gym or at home...sandbags, dumbbells, or body-weight  can be used. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

11 Nutrition Myths That Can Cause Weight Gain & Fully Body Workout

1. Myth: Going Vegan Will Make You Lose Weight
While various research shows that vegetarians and vegans, on average, consume fewer calories and less fat than omnivores (a 2009 Oxford study found that vegetarians weigh 3 to 20 percent less than their meat-eating counterparts, and a National Cancer Institute study found that subjects who consumed four ounces or more of red meat weekly were 30 percent more likely to die of any cause than those who ate less), these numbers may be misleading,
Going vegan solely for weight loss can backfire, big time. If you aren’t vigilant with a vegan diet, it’s easy to lack in vital nutrients, vitamins, and proteins, which give you energy and help keep your metabolism stoked. Many first-time vegans may also find themselves reaching for more processed foods like vegan cookies, chips, or even ‘ice cream’ more often with such a restricted diet, and many end up packing on the pounds instead.
If you do decide to adopt a vegan diet, be sure to keep the ‘treats’ to a minimum and plan balanced meals. Aim to get about 10 to 20 percent of your calories from protein (or about 1 gram per kilogram of body weight), replacing animal protein with healthy plant proteins, like those found in beans, legumes, eggs, nuts, seeds, low-fat dairy, and soy products, And, whether you are vegan or not, eating more green, leafy vegetables is great for your health and your waistline.

2. Myth: Cut All Carbs to Shed Pounds
Your body needs ‘carbs’ for energy, and many carbohydrate foods are rich in essential vitamins, nutrients, and dietary fiber that help you stay full and fuel your workouts. Eliminating carbohydrates not only reduces whole grains, B vitamins, and a good source of fiber, but it also reduces your body’s feel-good capacity (it’s no wonder that most comfort foods are carbohydrate based),
Plus, cutting out food groups may only make you crave them more, and you may find yourself finishing off an entire bag of chips in a moment of weakness. Starches and carbs are actually an important tool in weight management. They provide belly-filling fiber, complex carbohydrates to keep your engine running all day, and they stimulate the production of serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter that regulates mood.
Stay healthy, full, and happy while dropping the lbs. by swapping out processed carbs for fiber- and nutrition-filled foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

3. Myth: Diet Drinks are a Great Way to Cut Calories
You may think you're doing yourself a favor by sipping artificially sweetened drinks, but recent research says you may just be setting yourself up to crave sweets even more. ‘Fake’ sugar can trick our bodies, since we aren’t actually providing it with any calories to back up the sweetness, causing a vicious cycle of cravings. Artificial sweeteners tend to trigger your appetite—making you want more and more sugar—but without actually satisfying a desire for sweets like normal sugar does. Diet soda-drinkers may end up eating tons of sugary and fatty snacks in order to satisfy their cravings.
Case in point: One University of Texas study found that people who drink diet soda regularly (more than two per day) had a 70 percent greater waist circumference than those that don’t. Not to mention, diet sodas are also often loaded with additives, including caramel coloring, which is made by reacting sugars with ammonia and sulfites, resulting in two compounds that have been found to cause lung, liver, and thyroid cancers in mice.
Next time a diet soda craving strikes, sub in one of these healthy alternatives or sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon or lime.
4. Myth: Fat-Free Snacks are Better for Your Waistline
Reduced-fat versions of snacks typically have been stripped of one quarter of their original healthy monounsaturated fats, and to replace that flavor, the brand adds in fillings, additives, and sugar—all for the same amount of calories. Picking reduced-fat products may even end up hurting your waistline: in one study, average-weight participants ate 22 percent more calories if the food was labeled ‘low fat’ and overweight participants ate up to 50 percent more.
Your body needs fat to absorb vitamins, and it may also help you shed pounds—a recent Stanford University study found that people on a moderate-fat diet lost twice as much weight as subjects eating a low fat diet.
So skip the highly processed, fat-free snacks that are basically empty calories and fill up on healthy, whole foods that will help you stay satisfied on a lower-calorie diet such as avocados, nuts, and coconuts.

5. Myth: Fruit Has too Much Sugar to Eat for Weight Loss
With all the sugar that is added to processed foods, the sugar in fruit is the least of your worries. Getting rid of fruit means you are losing out on valuable vitamins and nutrients that your body absorbs easily since they're found in their natural, whole state. Eliminating fruit from your diet when trying to lose weight makes no sense. You’ll miss out on a whole lot of filling fiber, which studies have directly linked to long-term weight loss, and you may be more likely to reach for other processed, empty food items instead.

6. Myth: Protein Shakes Help You Lose Weight
Drinking protein shakes alone can't help you lose weight, but replacing a meal with them could. The trouble is, many would-be dieters make the mistake of adding in a shake to their current daily intake, which can pack on the pounds (this is why bodybuilders trying to gain size use them often).
If you want to add protein shakes to your diet, look for a mix that is low in sugar and has a short ingredient list. Depending on the calorie count, and what you add to it, you can substitute a shake for a snack or a meal to help move the scale down, not up.

7. Myth: A High-Protein Diet is the Best Way to Shed Fat
While protein is important for weight loss, eliminating other food groups (like carbs) for the sake of eating more protein could be setting you up for a carbo-loading binge later. Plus, you may be missing out on the fiber, vitamins, and minerals found in unprocessed carbohydrates, and you run the risk of eating too much fat in your diet, which can lead to high cholesterol and triglycerides.
Skip the yo-yo cycle and round out your meals with a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. "When you have all three macro-nutrients in your diet, you are less likely to feel deprived and may experience less cravings."

8. Myth: Cut Out All Your Favorite Fattening Foods
Anyone who has ever sworn off pizza, chocolate, or chips knows that as soon as you tell yourself you can't have them, you start dreaming of swimming in gooey, cheesy pizza or rich, dark chocolate cake. Moderation is key. We tend to be in ‘all or nothing’ mode when we diet. And while you can't have pizza, french fries, and chocolate cake all in the same day, with careful planning, you can still enjoy them in moderation. Have your cake, and eat it too—just share it with a friend or save the other half for another day.

9. Myth: Eating after 8:00 p.m. Makes You Fat
This is one of my biggest pet peeves…I hate it when people claim that it works…the solution is not because you stopped eating after 7:00 or 8:00p. Instead, the solution is that you stopped eating junk before bedtime.  Eating after a certain hour won't necessarily mean you'll pack on pounds, just as staying out after midnight won’t turn you into a pumpkin.  Your metabolism doesn't know what time it is.
Skip the mad rush to consume as much food as you can before the clock strikes 8:00. "Calories are calories, no matter when you eat them, but what does matter is what and how much of it you eat. Late-night snacking gets a bad rap because often the foods that are consumed late at night are calorie-dense foods (chips, ice cream, pizza, and other junk food) and may be in excess calories to your daily caloric needs, which translates to weight gain."

10. Myth: You’ll Burn More Fat if You Don’t Eat Before a Workout
Exercise normally burns away your glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves, and when you’re done burning those, you’ll start dipping into your fat stores for energy. It's true that when you’re already running on empty, you burn fat right away, but you’ll likely run out of steam before your workout is over or end up ravenous and grabbing whatever food you can find in an attempt to refuel afterwards.
"Energy comes from calories. A study from the University of Birmingham compared two groups of cyclists—some ate before their workout and the others fasted. While the group who fasted did end up burning more fat, the group who ate cycled at a much higher intensity than the fasting group, and burned more calories. A person needs fuel to run, just like a car, so find the foods that give you the energy to work out at your hardest."

11. Myth: You Can Eat Whatever You Want on Weekends
If you do the math, eating ‘whatever you want’ Friday-Sunday adds up to 12 days—or almost half of a 30-day month! Not exactly the recipe for weight loss success. When you throw caution to the wind on the weekends it can actually offset the consistency and success you had all week. Instead of taking a no-holds-barred approach to your weekends, nutritionists recommend trying to scale back the little things that really add up like the bread basket and having a few extra glasses of wine during dinners out, along with mindless munching out of boredom.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Upper Body and core Workout

3 to 4 sets of each exercise...if you take a should be long enough to catch your breath and get a sip of water. The goal is to keep your heart rate up and keep moving! These workouts include supersets which are perfect for endurance...exactly what every aerobic instructor needs (so we can talk and exercise at the same times)
A superset = 2 exercises are performed without stopping

The Workout:
1a. SkullCrusher w/ Hip Raises
1b. Reverse Lunge w/ DB Bicep Curls

2a. Bicycle Crunch w/ DB Tricep extentions
2b. Weighted Bicep Curl

3a. Situps with Jab/Cross
3b. A couple rounds punching the mits

4a. Tricep kickback w/ Stepover
4b. DB Uppercut

5a. Stir the Pot...on the stability ball
5b. Core challenge (plank on a stability ball while someone knocks it around)

BONUS: kneeling on the stability ball...have help if you have never done this before!

6a. Cable overhead Extension
6b. Cable Bicep Curl

7a. Sit up with DB straight arm thrust
7b. Hip Thrust with a plate on stability ball

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can't get to the gym? Here is a workout that anyone can do at home!

1.       One-arm lat row
2.       Push-up with leg raise
3.       Single-leg squat with reach
4.       Precision bicycle

 4 sets of each exercise for 15 – 20 reps. Try not to take any breaks in between exercises…just enough to grab some water

·         One-arm lat row
    * Body Parts: Back, Biceps, Shoulders
    * Equipment: Free weights

SETUP Holding a dumbbell in left hand, stand facing back of a chair, feet hip-width apart. Bend knees and hinge forward from hips until torso is parallel to floor. Place right forearm on chair back and let left arm hang in line with left shoulder, palm facing in.
ACTION Contract back muscles, bending left elbow up and back toward waist. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat rows on one side, then switch arms to complete set. Weight: 5- to 10-pound dumbbell. Strengthens middle back, rear shoulders and biceps.
push-up with leg raise

    * Body Parts: Back, Butt, Core, Forearms, Shoulders, Triceps

·         push-up with leg raise
SETUP Kneel on all fours with arms straight, hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Contract abs so body forms one straight line from head to hips, then lift and extend right leg to hip height.

ACTION Keeping leg aligned with hip, bend elbows to lower chest toward floor, until elbows are even with shoulders. Keeping leg raised, push back up and repeat.

·         side lunge to balance
    * Body Parts: Abs, Back, Biceps, Butt, Shoulders, Triceps
SETUP Holding end of a dumbbell in each hand in front of upper chest, palms in, raise right knee to hip height. Contract abs, chest lifted and shoulders relaxed.

ACTION Keeping left leg straight, step sideways with right foot, bending right knee and turning right foot out slightly so knee and foot are aligned. Sit into right hip, back straight, and extend dumbbell toward outside of right ankle. Push off with right foot and lift right knee back to hip height, bringing dumbbell to starting position. Repeat side lunges on one side, then switch legs to complete set. Weight: 5- to 8-pound dumbbell

·         single-leg squat with reach
    * Body Parts: Butt, Hamstrings, Legs

SETUP Place a dumbbell or a full 1-liter water bottle vertically on the floor, about an arm's length in front of your feet. Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on hips, left foot behind right. Bend right knee and lower body into a one-legged squat, keeping right knee aligned with right ankle, left heel lifted.

ACTION Next, hinge forward from your hips, extending and raising left leg behind you, torso parallel to floor. Reach toward dumbbell or bottle with right hand. Touch it lightly, then return to upright position, contracting abs as you lower left foot to the floor. Repeat squats and reaches on one side, then switch sides to complete set.

·         precision bicycle

    * Body Parts: Abs, Legs, Triceps

SETUP Lie faceup on the floor with both knees bent and aligned with hips, calves parallel to floor. Place hands over and behind head, elbows bent and pointing at knees. Contract abs, drawing ribs and hips toward each other, bringing spine into a neutral position.

ACTION Maintaining position of right knee, extend and raise left leg, simultaneously reaching arms overhead, then toward left leg, and lifting head and shoulder blades up in a crunch. Return to starting position, bending left knee, reaching hands back behind head and lowering torso to floor. Repeat, keeping left knee bent and extending right leg, reaching arms to right leg. Continue alternating sides (both sides equal 1 rep). 


Plain or Greek Yogurt...
Yogurt is good because it helps us maintain flat abs...nutritionists preach that the probiotics in yogurt aids in a healthy digestive system. Basically helps prevent gas, bloating, and constipation!  This will help your stomach look flat.
But notice...I said PLAIN Yogurt...All the yogurts with dessert flavors, granola,  and fruit at the bottom can trick you into being FAT!

Say yes to yogurt, as long as it's plain. Nearly 75% of yogurt eaters opt for fruity flavors, which can contain several packets of sugar in a 4 oz container. To get your fill of protein, probiotics, vitamin D, and calcium--without the additives and sugar--choose unflavored yogurt and mix in fresh fruit. Another option is to add the Visalus Shake mix to plain yogurt and dip your apples in them!! You have a flavorful meal that will satisfy you and get you ready for your workout!

Friday, January 13, 2012

HOT Yoga...Literally!

Due to the intensity of our workouts and the craziness of our schedule...we need to wind down and do some injury prevention. Fortunately, not every workout has to be high intensity suicide. Today was a morning to try something new! A local Yoga studio offers HOT YOGA...Yes, I said hot yoga.

Hot yoga refers to yoga exercises performed under hot and humid conditions. Often associated with the style devised by Bikram Choudhury, hot yoga is now used to describe any number of yoga styles that use heat to increase an individual's flexibility in the poses. In colder climates, hot yoga often seeks to replicate the heat and humidity of southern India from where many styles of yoga originate. Hot Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (≈ 40.6°C) with a humidity of 40%!
 The heated studio helps for deeper stretching and injury prevention, while reducing stress and tension. Hot Yoga stimulates and restores health to every muscle, joint, and organ of the body.

The class was very amazing experience that we are excited about trying again!!

Meals were pretty steady today...
I ended up drinking 3 Visalus shakes today...when my body gets really hot, its hard to eat because you can lose your appetite. But, you have to keep the body fueled...its important to keep the metabolism up!! If not, I won't have the energy to make it through the day. One of the shakes was a tropical shake!!

2 scoops of Body by Vi Meal shake mix
1/2 banana
1/2 fat free plain yogurt
1 cup of frozen fruit...pineapple, strawberries
1/2 cup of water
Blended til creamy...quick, easy, and delicious!!

The last workout of the day....
 one hour of one of us teaching Zumba Toning and the other one of us teaching  Ballroom class...Head to Lagrange for a Ballroom Social party!

Last meal of the evening...
chicken cut up in cubes and cooked in the WOK...mixed with light teriyaki sauce, garlic, green onions, and chopped yellow peppers and mixed Japanese vegetables!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

MMA workout with Team Fletch...My Meals for today

Today is a day that I am so exhausted that I'm literally dozing off at each red light on my way to my first client!! Even though...No Excuses!

Workout 1:
Treadmill workout...30 minutes starting at a 5% incline at 3.5mph - every few minutes I would raise the incline until I was at 10%. This type of steady state cardio is a really good workout for the glutes and legs...I suggest doing this or the Stair master at least 2 to 3 times per week. You will be amazed how great you butt starts to look. But!! You cannot hold onto the rails! Lean forward and push through as if you are walking up a burn more calories and really burn into your butt dimples!!

Katrina and I got the chance to workout with our Team out in Fort Benning! We call ourselves team Fletch...after our Coach! He is the guru of trainers! We play together almost everyday...We push each other, we support each other..
We are 'crackhead Gymrats'

Thursday is our leg day...Since Fletch teaches combatives and MMA..this is a great chance to learn techniques that professional fighters use when training...

Workout 2: MMA Explosive Leg Day
  1. Jump Squats on V (Feet in shape of 'V' with toes pointed outward)
  2. DB single leg deadlift with Thai Knees
  3. Explosive Lateral Hops
  4. Squats with Elevated Heels
  5. Calf Raise with Elevated Heels
  6. Explosive Elevated Split Squats
  7. 1 leg lateral Hop to platform with dumbbell
  8. Hamstring Curl with DB
  9. Squat to Both Knees and Stand
  10. Explode to Feet from Both Knees and Sprint
  11. Back lunges Knee up with Bar off 45lb plate
  12. Explode to Fee from Knees - Tuck Jump - Tuck 180 degrees and sprint

    Workout 3:
    Teaching Evening Zumba Class (I did some choreography throughout the day..but I don't consider it a full workout)

    I started the Body By Vi Shakes this week...some of you know this so you are going to assume that this was my first meal of the day! However, I was in the mood for eggs!
    (instead of having the Vi Shake mix for breakfast, I like to have it as my post workout'll see)

    4 egg whites
       **Added mushrooms, green onion, fat free mozzarella cheese, and roasted sun dried tomatoes
    1 Cup of Black Coffee
    *Vitamin C, Chromium Picolonate, Keto 7, B-12 tablet*

    Post Workout Meal: 
    2 scoops of Body by Vi Shake mix with a BBV energy flavor mix

    about 2 hours after I drank my shake, I had Lunch meal...
    one pan seared chicken breast with sauteed green beans

    Snack: I got the munchies and stopped in at the vitamin shoppe for a Power Crunch Bar...My favorite is the Vanilla Wafer bar...Protein, and only 100 calories...its the perfect snack for when I'm being a 'Woman' and have a serious sweet tooth!!

    After Zumba Class, I plan to have my second Body By Vi shake...this time, with some frozen fruit and half a banana...I don't want anything heavy..this is a wonderful, light yet filling drink that will keep me over til morning!

    Unfortunately, I only got in 5 meals today...I need to do better...also my water intake is low. I've gotten in a half a gallon and that is way too little for as much jumping around I'm doing! Tomorrow will be a new day!